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Sunken ships in LEGO® Bricks

What zyme did.

logo design / branding / visual style / information panel design / illustration / character design / 3D design and build / art direction / print & install management

Brickwrecks: Sunken ships in LEGO® Bricks was a travelling exhibit showcasing Lego models built by The Brickman team along with real artefacts from museums around the world. Featuring large-scale LEGO® models of several famous ships.

The exhibit was designed to appeal to both young and old visitors alike, utilising models, digital/traditional interactives, objects, illustration and audio visual to educate and entertain. This exhibition travelled to multiple venues around Australia.

Print / Brand / 3D
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Standing at exactly 1 metre tall, Farun the mouse was created as the mascot for the exhibit to highlight interesting facts, give instructions and act as scale for the ship sizes for younger visitors.

Highly detailed isometric illustrations styled on the drawings that appear on in LEGO instructions were hand drawn for each of the showcased ships.

The graphic style was bright and playful, with references to a LEGO instruction manual for the main panels and the LEGO dot plate pattern (to scale) used throughout.

Project info


WA Maritime Museum (Perth, Albany, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie), Australian National Maritime Museum (Sydney), Vasa Museum (Sweden)

Exhibit design:

Fran Sweetman

Multimedia dev:

Hungry Sky

Marketing design:

Insomnia Design

Work completed under employment of the Western Australian Museum